Monday, September 27, 2010

Then it was January....

Monster's Kitchen. Monstrously tall.

Someone dresses well for mismatch day.

Fanta World USA Hip Hop. Huh?

Crazy hair day!

McLovin, where's the Superbad fans?
And don't say you haven't seen it, just go watch it.
And Super Troopers, and The Hangover while you are at it.

There was still more of this going on.

Those kids again, they follow me everywhere.

In the Banyan Tree. I would be afraid of spiders. Good thing I have boys.

See? They are everywhere I go.
Like strays, once you feed them, they never go away.

Finally. A half way decent picture with this shark display. I only have about 10 others that totally stink, because of one kid or another.

Watch out for the native wildlife;
Pumba will get you!

I'm missing a few pictures somewhere. Steven had a birthday and attended Winter Formal. I know there are pictures somewhere around here. I suppose this is way you should not wait until 8 months later to want to post them. They'll turn up. Steven will be so happy when they do!

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