Monday, September 27, 2010

February Follies

Steven went to Korea for Far East wrestling. It is the equivalent of going to state. Only here we bring together all the DOD high schools in the Asian countries to compete against each other. Jer was lucky enough to be in Korea at the same time and watched Steven's matches. Steven took the silver in his weight class.

Later in the month we went to the wrestling banquet. Steven received the award for "Biggest Attitude"....apparently he throws frozen Hot Pockets at people.

Seth was showing off his smartypants. He had another quarter of straight A's.
I must say, Vaughn was getting straight A's too, but his school does not hold an award ceremony to recognize those students. :(

Someone got another year older! Happy Birthday Vaughn!

His mom made him a rockin' cake.

And rich as it was, when I asked for glass of milk, this is not what I was expecting.
I realize this is a "cup" of milk to the boys, to me it is a quart of milk!

The local community continued to amuse.

I FINALLY got a new hairstyle. Still have it, still love it.

Rough days being four, going to preschool, and having lunch before making it home at noon.

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