Yesterday was the day. You wait for it, it seems so close, yet so far, then all the sudden you are running late to get to formation. I just figured why give up the husband a minute earlier than I had to.
The boys amused themselves playing king of the hill.
The boys amused themselves playing king of the hill.
YEAH! So glad you started a blog. The boys are sooo big!!! Are the glasses new for Vaugh? And when did Jerry deploy? For how long? Guess I should call once in a while huh!
ohhhh those are GREAT pictures!
we're gonna link to you, okay?
I'm SO GLAD YOU HAVE THIS PAGE! Carly says hi to Garrett. =)
Thanks for the support guys, my family says "what the h*ll is a blog?" Ah, they are so technologically challenged!
Jer left 4 days ago, but whose counting?? He should be home in September, maybe earlier since we are due for orders. Liz, you certainly can link to us!! Tell Carly Garrett says "hi" and that he likes to look at her pictures!
I'm the loser reject of the crowd, eh? I don't have a blog. Well, you know what? I don't want a stinkin' blog! ha! That'll fix you. The truth is that my life is just not that exciting. I could post pictures of my psyc book and maybe a few of my papers. Wouldn't that be fun.
Anyway, I like the page, Jess. It's very nicely done.
okay, I've been patient and understanding since Jerry just left but now I WANT MORE PHOTOS AND STORIES! Come on... you've got 4 boys you MUST have stories! Oh, and where are you headed?
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