Friday, June 19, 2009

Foster Parents

Seth and Garrett were outside chasing butterflies. They are not very good butterfly hunters since we ended up with this little baby bird. We thought he had fallen out of the nest, but the next day he could fly several feet at once, so I think it may have just been time for him to leave the nest. We let him go the next night, hope we are better foster parents than butterfly hunters.

Better Follow the Rules

No dogs in the park, or there will be serious consequences.

Summer Days

Vaughn was teaching Dad to play four square.

Seth and a neighbor kid were raking another neighbor's leaves.

Garrett wanted to take pictures of my pretty flowers.

It appears the raking of the leaves for was not for completely altruistic reasons....

Oh, brotherly love.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Gifted and Talented?

We are so proud....

Went for a Haircut, Came Home with a Turtle

I went to get my haircut, which I did, but I also came home with this

He was the hit of the neighborhood.

But, we couldn't keep him, he's a wild turtle. Even Garrett agreed we had the perfect place to re-home him.

Off he goes, down the hill, toward the water.

Sorry the picture is so dark, but this is his new home! I hope he is very happy there.

Ah, Japan

Just when I thought my dreams of owning a Pikachu car would never come true.....

Who Says Size Doesn't Matter?

For many a year now, I have managed to stave off my husband's computer buying desires. God love the man, he wants it all; our wallet (me) says no. He builds computer after computer, dreams about all it will do, just how wonderful it will be. I work hard to delay him and wait until his attention gets distracted and he moves on. I wonder where Seth gets that 'Oh, I saw something shiny' trait from?!?
This year, I failed in my attempts. There was some ranting about years of waiting, deployments, Coach purses....blah, blah blah, but, he won. My, oh my, I did not know what I was in for, then this arrived in the mail........
It is almost the size of a small country. I know he said 'full tower', but somehow that did not equate to monstrous in my head. It is super quiet though. And it keeps him entertained. Although sometimes this involves him swearing because he changed some setting or other and it isn't doing what he thinks it should. :-)