Seth and Vaughn took part in a Summer Enrichment program. Basically that means I tortured them with more school once school was out. And in turn, I was tortured by the drive every morning and afternoon to pick them up. I suppose that is called karma. On the last day Seth's class had an open house and Vaughn's class put on a play for us.
This is one of Seth's works of art. If we ever need his fingerprints we're all set.
This isn't Seth's work, but I had to take a picture of it. What were they doing in these classes?
Seth (the one eyed kid). Seth's squid (the one in the middle).
Ah, brotherly love.
Again, not Seth's work, but we liked it.
Onto Vaughn's class play.
Vaughn was Heracles. When we got there I asked him why he was wearing a skirt, his reply, "Togas are out, skirts are in."
And sorry, there are no more still pictures. I was taping the play so Jerry could see it.